


kleines_k from sinsynplus on Vimeo.
Rooms are commonly not perceived, but rather defined by and reduced to its function. This is also true in fine arts, where space, mostly used as exhibition space, serves as a container for the reception, display and storage of art objects.
The media installation kleines_k, taking place during the Jahresausstellung 2010 of the Akademie der Bildenden Künste Munich, aims to overcome this bad habit and sets a room in the focus of interest. This is done by redrawing the main architectural shapes describing a certain space, which means in case of kleines_k, tracking the room A.02_63 by 163 single elements and reconstructing it virtually. The resulting grid structure based on lines and shapes is mapped back on the real architecture by a video projection covering the whole room.
However, spaces define themselves not only alone by architectural characteristics, but they are also constantly in reciprocal effect with their users. This interaction brings rooms to life and transfers human vibrations to the architecture.
Demonstrating that rooms can be fragile structures an oscillating sound collage functions as basic noise, deforming the virtual interpretation of the room. The sounds and noises generated by users working as an interactive component are mixed in real time to this sound source to ensure a dynamic sound cloud transfering non-repetitive permutations of distortions to the virtual reconstruction of the space.
kleines_k, a space visually reconstructed by light and deconstructed simultaneously by acoustic stimulation of those present, shows a room as a living, sensitive organism.
Konzept und Realisierung
Quirin Empl | Martin Mayer
Daniel Door
Jahresausstellung 2010
Akademie der Bildenden Künste München
Raum A.02_63

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