

WarpMap 0.1

" So finally we present here our first release of WarpMap, an small application that we're using to play videos with advanced warping capabilities in our projection mapping projects. This first release it's just the binaries on Mac (10.5.7) and Windows (XP) systems,once we've cleaned the code and test it on some hardwares we'll publish the entire code project. This project has been developped in C++ with OpenFrameworks libs.
WarpMap it's a simple media-player application that let's you play several layers of images or videos with a quad-warping and mesh-warp deformation effect for each layer. Configurable via XML files and controled via keyboard, mouse and OSC.
Download and test the software (please read first the documentation)
WarpMap_0.1 for Windows XP 32 bits
WarpMap_0.1 for MAC OS/X 10.5.7
This is a beta-test release, so there could be some bugs and weird stuff ;-) Give it a try and let'us know if it runs on your system. We wellcome your feedback and questions ! And if you use it, please support our project with a donation ! (Paypal or Bank Transfer). There are a lot of new features we want to include and we need your support. "
Telenoika Audiovisual Mapping @ Ingravid Festival, Figueres 9/2009 [FULL] from Telenoika on Vimeo.
Finally we made it ! We've been some months behind the scenes preparing this show with the Telenoika crew. It's a facade audiovisual mapping made for the Ingravid Festival in Figueres, Girona. From Playmodes we developped the video-warper-player which just played a 20 minutes video on the facade. Also some of the 2D and 3D moments of this show were created by us with compositing and 3D rendering software. The video-warper-player was made in 0.05. We're cleaning the code and we'll put it online soon, as well as a report of the process we followed to create this audiovisual performance. Enjoy !l
Credits : Omar Alvarez, Miki Arregui, Miguel Gozalbo, Sergi Casero, Eloi Maduell, Santi Vilanova from Telenoika.NET audiovisual community.
Thanks to : Telenoika, Mas Queló, Festival Ingravid, LABfabrica.NET, BAF G.C
Here we'll post all the source code for the video-warper-player we developped for the Telenoika audiovisual mapping in Figueres, 2009.

Playmodes installation at Tarragona's festival "REC la nui" from eloi maduell on Vimeo.
The Playmodes interactive installation was placed in REC la nui 2009 festival in Tarragona. This festival is part of the REC festival, an independent cinema event. REC la nui basically it's a contest of audiovisual performances and it showed some of the best a/v shows arround Europe. We were operating the controls of the effects to the music, kind of dance-vj-ing improvistaion with users. The installation was placed in a party situation and people could dance into it freely. After 4 nights of moves, that's what we got to edit as a sample of how people plays with Playmodes. Enjoy !

Playmodes : L8P experiment from eloi maduell on Vimeo.
We have been working a little with the L8P mode we used for the Reflexus show. The basic idea was to capture 8 AV loops and then use them as instruments in a musical composiiton. As we want to play this loops polyphonically, we have developed a system for placing the loops in different parts of the screen, allowing us to do up to 208 different compositions. Each captured loop can be placed on screen as follows:
There are 26 possible options for each loop, but we are using only 25 due to some software restrictions.
We trigger the 8 loops with 8 different MIDI notes, and we decide which composition to use with each loop by assigning different Note On Velocity values to each of the notes.

Playmodes Time Stretching Sampling from eloi maduell on Vimeo.
This is one of the first try to achive a time-stretching live sampling. We've developped this with the original Playmodes software (coded in Openframeworks for the video side) and Reaktor engine (for the audio side). Both softwares communicate via OSC protocol.

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